The Educational Journey Begins at Labourdonnais College

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

Welcome to Labourdonnais College


  • Our Mission:
Balanced and integral development of the child is primordial for us. We aim at providing a unique educational experience to our students. We hope to cultivate a unique sense of citizen ship in our students. We do not only focus on the acquisition of knowledge but also on the provision of a holistic development of students. We believe that students be law abiding and be able to cope with conflicts in given circumstances. Our evaluation aims at the reinforcing of our students’ potential and identifying weakness for immediate remedial action consisting of “Monthly Assessments” and “Termly Examinations”.
Labourdonnais College is a modern college, with the state of the art facilities. We are pioneers in developing a new concept of education and we are the first in Mauritius that provide these facilities.